I loved everything about this wedding! Kathy and Chris are adorable, sweet and such a fun loving couple. The weather held out for us as we made it all the way to our final destination….the horse shoe….for photos and as we were finishing up it started to sprinkle. Kathy and Chris thank you so much for having me be a small part of your big amazing day. Here are my favorites!Jenny was with the gentlemen while they had the task of figuring out bow ties! What would we all do without youtube??? (I know I use it multiple times a week)
Kathy…..you are a BEAUTIFUL bride!
I LOVED this church!
A HUGE shout out thank you to my person Jenny for second shooting this wedding with me. I couldn’t have done it without you girl!
JennyBZ - Love love love everything about this wedding! It was such a beautiful event w such a lovely couple! I’m happy I got to be a small part of it! Lovely job fayefaye! Duh! xxDecember 4, 2015 – 4:02 pm