My dad’s wedding

A few weeks ago and and I headed to Las Vegas for Dad and Angie’s wedding.   It was a great trip and the first time we’ve experienced 105 degree temperatures!  IT WAS HOT…but luckily it’s what they call “dry heat” so not as draining as the humidity here in the mid-west.   They had a sweet and simple ceremony at the viva las vegas wedding chapel…..and no Elvis did not marry them….(but he married the next couple and sang to them while driving in a pink caddy….yep…anything can happen in Vegas)

Congrats and best wishes Dad and Angie.  I’m very happy for you two!002003004My brother and his sweet family made the trip out too.  005006007I brought my camera for a mini session of the bride and groom after the ceremony.  It was mini…remember temps over 100 degrees.   We spent about 5 minutes outside the chapel.  If you know my dad….you know he’s a very fun loving kidding around kind of guy.  Any of my goofiness…I get it all from him!  lol008009he’s a pretty cute photobomber!010011012013And another 5 minutes outside the Golden Nugget downtown.  014015Love and hugs to you guys!

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  • jenny grimm - A big CONGRATS to your dad and your family! A wonderful wedding documented, and love all of the details of the day, including the temperature on the phone! HOLY HOT– 100 degrees?!!! Kudos to you to making everyone look ravishing despite the heat! XOXOJuly 1, 2016 – 8:42 am

  • lauren - These are so beautiful Faye! You really captured the day perfectly, and you did it all without anyone breaking a sweat (SUCH a big feat in 100 degrees!!). Lots of love to your family! xoJuly 1, 2016 – 8:50 am

  • Jenny - They look so happy! I love how you captured this. Congrats to them!July 1, 2016 – 4:07 pm

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