Meet Jay, Tracey, Alyssa and Austin! I have known this family for a few years. They are good friends of my good friends. I was SO excited when Tracey contacted me to be their family photographer. Tracey is super creative and an awesome decorator. She’s amazing with dyi….especially photography. Each year she sets up the tripod and timer and takes her own family photos. From what I’ve seen on facebook…Tracey you always do a great job. I know there are some of you moms out there reading this and you do the same thing. It certainly is an option….but it’s exhausting running back and forth. You have to make sure to get good expressions on everyone along with not looking frazzled yourself. I know how that feels….I’ve done it myself multiple times. But some years…mama needs a break. Tracey I’m SO glad you contacted me.
Ya’ll this family is just as sweet in real life as they are in photos! This first image with Jay’s big laughing smile….It’s one of my favorites. Who am I kidding…I like all of these I posted 🙂 Austin…such a cutie pie!
Christmas card worthy right here!!!!
Alyssa…girl your gorgeous red hair…and those freckles…..LOVE!!!!!
Group HUG!!!!
We had a fun time venturing around Carriage Hill. This was the only vibrant fall color we found the second week of October….you betcha we made sure to capture some of it!
Alyssa looks so grown up here! I love everything about this photo!